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About us

The climate emergency and the UK’s goal to achieve Net Zero status by 2050 provides a strong stimulus to switch to using cleaner, greener road transport. The replacement of vehicles powered by the internal combustion engine with those that rely on low carbon powertrains is gathering pace, and HEVs and PHEVs are expected to account for 27 per cent of new vehicle registrations by the end of 2023.

As the process of switching to BEVs accelerates, and emerging technology such as hydrogen becomes more accessible, the UK will increasingly need more skilled individuals working in the manufacture and maintenance of electric and hydrogen vehicles. To avoid future skills gaps that could impede progress, it is essential that we:

  • Upskill and retrain employees in the automotive and logistics sectors in BEV technology
  • Inspire and engage young people with ideas for future careers in low carbon transportation

The Hyve project is led by North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College (NWSLC) working in partnership with SMB College Group, Leicester College and Loughborough College to deliver infrastructure, awareness, and skills training in hydrogen and electric vehicles with a focus on HGVs and LGVs for businesses based within the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) area. The project is supported by a grant from the government’s Strategic Development Fund.

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